Dominique Jullien's publications in Translation Studies include “Translation as Illustration: The Visual Paradigm in Mallarmé’s Translations of Poe” in Word & Image, 30:4, 2014 and a study on the new translation of Marcel Proust's Swann’s Way by writer and translator Lydia Davis, published in 2002 as the first volume of In Search of Lost Time by Penguin, with Christopher Prendergast as general editor. The essays explore how the new Davis translation offers a good entry point into some key issues of translation studies. This study has been published in French as
"Réflexions sur la traduction de Du côté de chez Swann par Lydia Davis" in 2015 in Geneviève Henrot-Sòstero, Florence Lautel-Ribstein and Magdalena Nowotna (eds.), "Traduire À la recherche du temps perdu," Revue d’études proustiennes 1 (2015), and will be published in another version as The Way by Lydias, first presented as a lecture at our international conference, Literature and Global Culture: The Voice of the Translator (UCSB, January 2015), currently in press in SJ Levine (Ed.), Literature and Global Culture: The Voice of the Translator (Cambridge Scholar Press).