Anneliese Renck completed her PhD in French at UC Santa Barbara in 2014. Her dissertation dealt with translations from Latin to French in the 15th and 16th centuries, and she was thrilled to work with such a wonderful group of scholars in Translation Studies during her time at UCSB. She is currently Assistant Professor at Carroll College in Montana, and is looking forward to one day offering a course in translation.
She has published on 15th century translation, both visual and textual. Her first book, entitled Translating Women into Early Modern France: From Christine de Pizan to Louise Labé, is in press with Brepols Publishers.
Some of Anneliese's recent publications include:
- “Reading Medieval Manuscripts Then, Now, and Sometime in Between: Verbal and Visual Mise en Abyme in Huntington Library Manuscript HM 60 and BnF fr. 875,” Manuscripta 60.1 (2016): 30-72
- “Traduction et adaptation d’un manuscrit des XXI Epistres d’Ovide appartenant à Louise de Savoie (BnF fr. 875) [Translation and Adaptation of a Manuscript Version of the XXI Epistres d’Ovide belonging to Louise of Savoy (BnF fr. 875)]” in Les femmes, l’art et la culture en Europe entre Moyen Âge et Renaissance, ed. Cynthia J. Brown and Anne-Marie Legaré (Turnhout: Brepols, 2016): 221-239
- “Les Vies des femmes célèbres: Antoine Dufour, Jean Pichore, Anne of Brittany and a Manuscript’s Adaptation of an Italian Printed Book,” The Journal of the Early Book Society 18 (2015): 158-180
- “The Prologue as Site of Translatio Auctoritatis in Three Works by Octovien de Saint-Gelais,” Le Moyen Français 73 (2013): 89-110