Date: March 5, 2016
Location: Glendon College, Toronto, Canada.
The graduate students of the School of Translation at Glendon College, York University, are pleased to announce the Seventh Annual Graduate Student Conference in Translation Studies to be held on Saturday, March 5, 2016 at Glendon College in Toronto, Canada.
Translation is a site for creative activity that operates within dynamic fields of linguistic and cultural contact. This site opens roads into inquiries on how translation operates within the arts and how the arts operate within translation. Translators and interpreters can be viewed as playing the role of artists, while artists themselves embody many of the singularities that characterize the translator's task. Within the shifting multimedia landscape of the digital age and an era of highly globalized cultural production it is of value to question the interplay between the human imagination and our diverse forms of cultural expression.
We invite students, scholars, translators, artists and critics to join us in sharing ideas that explore the interdependence of translation and the arts; how this relationship has manifested itself throughout history; and how it is developing in an age of rapid globalization, technological innovation and values that celebrate cultural diversity. The questions we put forward to spark this discussion include the following: how are forms of artistic expression, ranging from the literary, musical, and visual influenced and shaped by translation? How does translation figure in the creative process and within the mediums of artistic productions? In what capacities do translators engage with art and do artists engage with translation? Where do critical theories from both domains intersect and how can they serve one another?
Topics for papers and posters can include, but are not limited to the following:
- The translator's subjectivity, subconscious and the role imagination plays in his or her work
- Reflections on translation as an on-going creative thinking process e.g. autoethnography, retranslation, self-translation
- Approaches to the translation of artistic works --poetry, songs, plays, films, comics and even video games
- Artistic and fictional representations of translation, translators and interpreters
- Innovative manifestations of translation in creative digital and social mediums
- Trends in subtitling and surtitling, simultaneous interpreting, audio description and other translational mediums as applied to the arts
- Linguistic and sensorial accessibility at artistic venues
- The relationship between translation theory and criticism
- Ongoing debates in the study of world/comparative literature, music, film, and performance
These and other related issues will be addressed at this one-day multilingual event, which will include a series of individual presentations (20 minutes each) and other related activities. Interested persons are invited to submit proposals of 250-300 words in English, French or Spanish by Monday, January 4, 2016 to Please ensure that you include the title of your submission, your name, affiliation if appropriate, email address and any tech or accessibility requests. Selected papers will be considered for publication. We may be able to provide simultaneous interpretation to and from Arabic, English, French, Mandarin, Portuguese and Spanish at the conference.
For further information please visit:
7h Annual Graduate Conference in Translation Studies
Glendon College - York University - 2275 Bayview Ave. Toronto, ON M4N 3M6
- Call for papers: deadline Jan. 4
- 2016